Urgent: US House to vote today on Darfur funding
Later today the House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to provide critical funding for humanitarian aid in Darfur. In a country where a state-sponsored genocide has already claimed over 400,000 lives and left millions more homeless and starving, this funding could literally mean the difference between life and death.
Last month, the United Nations was forced to cut daily food rations in half - well below survival level - due to lack of funds. We need your help today to make sure that this doesnt happen again.
Please call your Representative today and ask that he or she vote for the Obey/Hyde/Lantos amendment which would add $50 million in humanitarian aid in Darfur. We have provided a call script below for you to use.
Just one minute of your time could have a tremendous impact for the millions of innocent men, women, and children in Darfur who live every day in fear of murder, starvation, and rape.
You can find contact information for your Representative here, http://www.house.gov, or if you know who your Representative is you can simply call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected. We have included a sample call script below.
Thank you once again for your commitment to helping the people of Darfur.
David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition
Sample call script:
Hi, this is [NAME] calling from [CITY/TOWN]. I'm calling to ask Congressman/woman _____ to support the Obey/Lantos/Hyde Amendment to add $50 million dollars for humanitarian aid in Darfur. Do you know if [HE/SHE] will vote to help provide this crucial aid to the million of men, women, and children displaced by the genocide in Darfur?
If yes:
That's great news. Please thank [HIM/HER] for me and let [HIM/HER] know that I'll tell my friends and family that [HE'S/SHE'S] supporting this important cause.
If no, or don't know:
[ONLY IF NO] Do you know why not?
[EITHER WAY] Please let [HIM/HER] know that these programs are keeping millions of families alive and safe. Please ask [HIM/HER] to do everything [HE/SHE] can to ensure that humanitarian aid life support system remains intact. If possible, I'd like a written response explaining [HIS/HER] vote. Thank you for your time.
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