Evanisms, aka From the Mouths of Babes
Just now, Evan's block hotel was demolished in his frustration - he was upset that it kept getting knocked over by the wind. So his daddy explained that an engineer would design the hotel so that it would be safe on a windy day, so he can play engineer and figure out how to build a sturdy hotel with alphabet blocks. Evan said "I know! We can build it with LASER BEANS! And when the wind touches it, alarms will go off, and traps." Then, he spilled popcorn and announced that we need a bacuum cleaner to clean it up.
This reminded me that I originally started blogging save these things for prosperity. So, I need to add the time that he was talking about eating corn on the log, and then he announced that his friend Ted's mom Stacy needed TP for her FUNhole. My favorite as of late, to his friend Will at their school Easter party, "Will, your nose is really APPEALING!"
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