I suck
This sort of thing is a pattern with me. Makes me feel dumb, and like a crappy mom.
I got the times mixed up for the soccer game this morning, so we missed it. There are only 6 kids on the team, so they really need all of them to be there, or else they don't get enough breaks and they get tired. John reminded me that this is why I have a PDA now. Well, the PDA (and the laptop) have the right time, but I thought I KNEW what time it was, so I didn't even look. The good news is that Evan didn't care, but I still feel like an ass. Blah.
5 Kids Fingerpainting:
Aw you don't suck! we all screw up every now and then. I'm sure you'll remember to check your pda next time.
And thanks for the link to the bath-thingy -it's perfect!
Awww...don't feel too bad. He'll make the next one and someone else's mom will miss it.
I'm sorry. It sucks doesn't it. Why can't we get it together? I struggle everyday keeping everything straight. Hugs!
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »
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