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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Way Back Wednesday - Summertime

Happy Summer Solstice!! To celebrate the first official day of summer let's see some summery things...bathing suits, beaches, BBQs, water balloon fights, wet t-shirt name it! I'm assuming from my outfit that this was technically not summer, but hey, it's the lake! I have no idea where or when this was taken, but it's my Granddad mowing the lawn, old school style. My grandmother and my favorite cousin Sarah, I'm guessing 1978. This is the only picture I could find from Key West, June 2001. And a bonus, because when the theme was graduation, I couldn't find this.
did you play?

2 Kids Fingerpainting:

Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful graduation pic!!!

See? I love the creativity with the winter apparel at the lake! It SEEMS like a summery place to be!!

6/21/2006 05:51:00 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

I always loved that picture. :-)

6/22/2006 04:41:00 AM  

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