I'm no diva. As a matter of fact, I don't do FUG Thursday very often because it makes me feel a little mean.

What bothers me most here? Is it the faded black, tapered, no pockets, unflattering, way too short 80s jeans, OR is it the pairing of these with blue and white floral sneakers?
I don't think everyone should look perfect. But how can someone have so little self-worth, as to not even TRY? You can dress comfortably and inexpensively shopping at Target, Wal-Mart or Goodwill, without looking like a slob. OR, I think maybe she didn't know better, but then...how could you not look around you and realize you don't look like anybody else? You don't have to be a clone, but at least presentable. Good grief
4 Kids Fingerpainting:
Don't worry. I get attacks of guilt all the time, and then Football Widow tells me to snap out of it, and that I am performing a public service. Ha!
Oh my! I have no words.
LOL...I have felt the same way only I would probabaly need to fug myself first.
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