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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Word of the Day

BATHYCOLPIAN: Possessing a large bosom

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Evan graduated to tiger belt last night. The tiny martial artists are a riot. And that sweet, beautiful woman tying his belt could kick your ass 10 ways to Sunday. Well, unless you're also a 4th degree black belt. I'm thinking about getting into it too...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Comment Spam

I never had any spam in my comments before. Now, I suddenly have like 60 in one day. WTF?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Way Back Wednesday - History Lessons

I'm feeling quite a bit better, but spent most of yesterday out of the house because John is sick now. He got that new contract at work with benefits just in time to use some of his sick time! The Kept Woman says "it's history! Looking for shots of you at a historical site or monument..." Having spent a large chunk of my childhood in Gaithersburg, MD, just outside Washington DC, I should have lots of good stuff for this, but I don't. I don't know where any pics would be from that time in my life. Weird. So, instead we have the historic Royal Hawaiian and Moana Surfrider hotels on Waikiki. Did you play?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Popping In

Flutter pointed out that I've been AWOL from my blog, so I thought I'd better show up. I just haven't felt like writing much, and now I'm sick. I'll be back to chattering soon...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

I am PISSED. That whole ending sucked. What the hell? Meredith should have chosen Finn! Chris O'Donnell is so much cuter than Dempsey, and plus, well, McDreamy is an ass. And Denny?? How dare they!! I can't even stand it - I feel like these people are real, and and it's all screwed up. AAAAAARRRGH! Stupid stupid stupid writers.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Well Mother's Day was a little disappointing. John is really sick, so we stayed in all day and he didn't get me a present. Well, that's not totally true - last night while I was driving the sitter home, he went to the grocery store for mums and eclairs. I didn't sleep well last night, so the boys did let me get a nap this afternoon, and I finally dragged them out to Outback for dinner. My friend Stacy and I were just discussing that Outback is always good for the price, but then tonight my steak was tough. They gave me a flower though. I am really grateful to have my boys, and I'd take them with no gift over any other boys and diamonds! If you look, you can really see my lazy eye in this picture. I think it's cool. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 12, 2006


Evan and I spent a good 5 hours today at Austin's Park and Pizza. We had so much fun, but I am WHOOPED! We had pizza buffet, rode bumper boats, played Lazer Tag, rode go-karts, played miniature golf and Evan got a hole in one, and played video games. I'm too old for teacups. I thought I was going to barf, and Evan was the one doing the spinning, so it couldn't have been that fast. The most fun part was that the place was full of middle-schoolers on field trips, so we got to play with the big kids all day.

The Waiter

If you've still not read this blog, it's my favorite hands-down. I mention it now because he's got a fun radio interview to which you can listen. Enjoy!

SPF - Twosies

This week's challenge: 1. Something you have 2 of. 2. Something you wish you had 2 more of. 3. “Two” Something I have two of - BOYS! These boys are the loves of my life. One is my hero through and through, the other is my greatest joy and greatest challenge. Something I wish I had two more of. Well, anyone who knows me would never guess I'd become a bag whore, and actually, I just WANT to be a bag whore. This is my one beloved little Coach bag, well-loved, with a broken zipper and well it's SPRING now.So these days I'm coveting these. So superficial, I know, but I'm not a generally superficial person, so I allow myself these little dreams. "Two" - Represented by our latest addiction, Case Number 2. Did you play?? Let me know, and let Kristine know too!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

On Mother's Day - The Best & Worst Places to Be a Mom

The day a mother gives birth can be one of the best days of her life, or one of the worst, depending on what country she is living in. Many babies in developing countries struggle to live past their first 24 hours. The State of the World's Mothers 2006 report focuses on ways to improve the health of mothers and newborns in developing nations. It lists the best and worst places to be a mom, the causes of maternal and newborn deaths, and low-cost solutions that are saving newborn lives across the globe. As one of Save the Children's newborn health experts put it: “If we want healthy babies, we have to have healthy mothers.” Won't you join us in the effort to help save newborn lives? It’s as simple as clicking here to learn more about the State of the World's Mothers in 2006.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Deal or No Deal

We are so addicted to this show. Did y'all see the guy on there tonight?? FLAMIN', honey! Too cute. I LOVE the models' dresses tonight too.

Dance Dance Dance!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday Six!

The game is called "Sunday Six". Basically, Kelly will post 6 questions on Thursday or Friday and you get to post the answers to these questions on Sunday! The trick to the game... You have to get the answers from your kids! When you have youngins like mine, you get some really fun answers! OK, well this was a most depressing edition of the game! At least he's four, and not really capable of grasping the concept of time. Right?? Good grief. Well, here we go! 1. How old is old? Really old. YOU are old. 2. Who do you think of when you hear the word old? You 3. Are you old? Yes. Is that right? I mean, I am not old. You are old. 4. What does it mean to get old? To grow up. Is that right? 5. How old should you be to get a job? 2 years. And your computer has to be this old to drive. 6. Who should take care of old people? God. And giants.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

This is news?? Hello!

Boys and their Hair

I took this picture to show how proud I am that John cuts Evan's hair, and he does such a good job. On second thought, I guess THIS is what happens when you let a man cut his child's hair...

V is for Van

Future genius at work! See him connecting the dots by number?? So proud!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I got an A!

I just found out I got an A in my Pharmaceutical Math course at ACC! Math has never been my strong subject, and this one was challenging, although it was VERY cool stuff to learn. Hooray!

WBW, SPF, and Everything Else

So, due to having some fillings done on Wednesday morning, I was in the World of Valium from about 9:00 Tuesday night until yesterday morning. As a result, no Way Back Wednesday at that time. Yesterday morning was my final exam. I was late because I had to stop for gas, then I busted my ass on the steps running for class, flip-flop flying, skinned knees, ripped jeans the whole bit. Then I was SURE that I totally screwed up the test, but I scored a 96!!! Now I'm back to get all caught up. This week's theme: Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dotted Bikinis of the past! In celebration of my upcoming trip to Mexico let's see all those hot bathing suits of the past! I couldn't find a childhood one of myself, which sucks because when I was 2, my grandmother made me a bikini that had a heart cut out of the bottom so there would be a tan heart on my plump little ass. Instead, you get my favorite cousin Sarah, circa 79 or 80 I think.Here's Evan, at about 18 months. Last, here I am at about 18, trying to be all hot for my boyfriend. Of course my eyes are closed, but the pleated Girbaud shorts and neon bikini totally make up for it. Look how skinny I was! OK, since it's Friday, I guess I should get around to SPF here at some point...Something with Flavor. I thought about sharing what was left of my lunch, but it wasn't a very nice photo. We put these on LOTS of stuff. We also like Fiesta Fajita Seasoning, but we're out of that right now.Body of Water. Inks Lake early this Spring.Where I Park my Ass and the blanket my Grandma made for our wedding.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More Evanisms

John: "You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!" Evan: "Yeah, Daddy! And you can tune a violin, but you can't tuna sandwich!" Evan's theory of electrocution states that if you are electrocuted and then the world has no power, you must share your power with the rest of the world. Then, after some thought he added, "So you can still watch your favorite shows." Just now after expressing his disgust at the thunderstorm outside and then weilding his karate kicking leg, "Targeting the rain...FIRE! Targeting the rain...FIRE!"