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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bald Broadway or Movie Star!

Performing an excerpt from the hit musical Rent...

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Monday, June 26, 2006


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fug Thursday

I'm no diva. As a matter of fact, I don't do FUG Thursday very often because it makes me feel a little mean. What bothers me most here? Is it the faded black, tapered, no pockets, unflattering, way too short 80s jeans, OR is it the pairing of these with blue and white floral sneakers? I don't think everyone should look perfect. But how can someone have so little self-worth, as to not even TRY? You can dress comfortably and inexpensively shopping at Target, Wal-Mart or Goodwill, without looking like a slob. OR, I think maybe she didn't know better, but could you not look around you and realize you don't look like anybody else? You don't have to be a clone, but at least presentable. Good grief!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

America's Got Talent!

GREAT show. If you didn't catch it, don't miss it again! FUNNY as all get out, but also very talented people, and sometimes both at the same time. LOVED it.

Why did we spend all that money on a garden hose??

Clearly, you can attach the sprinkler directly to the faucet. What were we thinking?? And who would have ever thought Trivial Pursuit would make an EXCELLENT kids' game! They're all matching the colors in the pies, and trying to get the die in the middle, and trying to roll specific numbers.

Way Back Wednesday - Summertime

Happy Summer Solstice!! To celebrate the first official day of summer let's see some summery things...bathing suits, beaches, BBQs, water balloon fights, wet t-shirt name it! I'm assuming from my outfit that this was technically not summer, but hey, it's the lake! I have no idea where or when this was taken, but it's my Granddad mowing the lawn, old school style. My grandmother and my favorite cousin Sarah, I'm guessing 1978. This is the only picture I could find from Key West, June 2001. And a bonus, because when the theme was graduation, I couldn't find this.
did you play?

oh frick it all

So a very very very good friend of ours is here from California, and they're going to six flags tomorrow. We're broke, but we have season passes including parking, and a place to stay, so OF COURSE Evan and I will go too. I finally made the decision to spend the gas and drive to Dallas, got all excited and just about ready to walk out the door, when I remembered that someone is coming to look at the dishwasher tomorrow. I can't ask the landlord to reschedule it because we already got onto her about not getting someone out here fast enough. I just want to cry...we'll still get to see him this weekend at an annual reunion, but STILL! Anybody want to come sit at my house all day tomorrow???

Evan made his own lunch

His hair's not fixed and his face is dirty. Still pretty cute though.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Goodbye, Mr. Rather!

44 years - holy! Maybe I'll see you on the lake this summer! Respect.

Damn this pisses me off!

He picked the kid up from school. What 14-year-old's parents don't know exactly where their kid is after school?? Crappy ones, I tell ya'. Maybe I'm overprotective, but this is the parents' fault without a doubt. Lawsuit happy money-grubbers. Disgusting. Not to mention, what about facebook, all blogging sites, etc.? The entire internet is unsafe if used improperly. The story: Austin girl sues 6/20/2006 11:00 AM By: News 8 Austin Staff A 14-year-old Austin girl is suing the popular Internet site The girl claims she was sexually assaulted by a 19-year-old Buda man she met on the site. He was arrested May 19. The girl is suing MySpace for $30 million. The suit says MySpace fails to protect children from adult predators. "MySpace has presented itself to the public that it is safe for young users, that there are extra protections in place for 14- and 15-year-old users ... those protections in fact we believe are utterly unsatisfactory," lawyer Carl Barry said. The MySpace site includes a list of safety tips for users and warnings against posting identifying information. It also warns users to be aware of strangers and people who may not be who they claim. "No one is more committed to Internet safety than MySpace" MySpace's chief security officer said in a released statement. "We take aggressive measures to protect our members. Ultimately, Internet safety is a shared responsibility. We encourage everyone on the Internet to engage in smart Web practices."

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Six - Father's Day!

1. What is a Father? A father's your dad. Your dad's a father. 2. Why do we have Fathers? To keep us safe and sound. And to love. 3. What do Father's do? They keep you safe and sound and dry from all the wet lightning thunderstorms. They keep you safe. A lot safe. 4. How do you celebrate Father's Day? By being good to your father. 5. What have you learned from your Father? A lot of different stuff. 6. Do you have any other names for your Father - if so, what are they? Um, John. That's my father's name.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Way Back Wednesday - Rub-a-Dub-Dub

Rub-A-Dub-Dub! I'm doing it..."vintage" pics (since they are of us...NOT our children) as bathing beauties My favorite cousin Sarah and I - probably around 1978. Posted by Picasa
did you play?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Attitude Camp!

Evan went to taekwondo camp this week, and the theme was attitude. They incorporated weapons and warpaint into the idea that one can put on a warrior face, regardless of one's circumstance, and create a good attitude. They did a presentation for us today.
Here's Evan demonstrating his sword skills. This is his instructor and the owner of the academy. We LOVE LOVE LOVE her.

SPF - aperture

SPF this week is brought to you by with the help of Dictionary.com1. ap·er·ture n.

  1. An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.
    1. A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.
    2. The diameter of such an opening, often expressed as an f-number.
    3. The diameter of the objective of a telescope.

1. A wide open space. Evan and I at Pike's Peak, 2002. 2. Brightness. Today's Texas sky.

3. In the dark. Cedar Park fireworks 2005. Picasa makes these cute collages.

Didya play???

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Can't wait - this should be fun!

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 6118506

My latest addiction, and I think I've been hacked...

First, I am totally addicted to online poker. Only the free kind, but still, I might have a little problem... Second, my user name on here has mysteriously changed from Amy to Mom, and suddenly my profile is private. WTF? Should I be worried? My password is pretty obscure. I guess I should just change it? Pffffft

Urgent: US House to vote today on Darfur funding

Later today the House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to provide critical funding for humanitarian aid in Darfur. In a country where a state-sponsored genocide has already claimed over 400,000 lives and left millions more homeless and starving, this funding could literally mean the difference between life and death. Last month, the United Nations was forced to cut daily food rations in half - well below survival level - due to lack of funds. We need your help today to make sure that this doesnt happen again. Please call your Representative today and ask that he or she vote for the Obey/Hyde/Lantos amendment which would add $50 million in humanitarian aid in Darfur. We have provided a call script below for you to use. Just one minute of your time could have a tremendous impact for the millions of innocent men, women, and children in Darfur who live every day in fear of murder, starvation, and rape. You can find contact information for your Representative here,, or if you know who your Representative is you can simply call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected. We have included a sample call script below. Thank you once again for your commitment to helping the people of Darfur. Sincerely, David Rubenstein Save Darfur Coalition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample call script: Hi, this is [NAME] calling from [CITY/TOWN]. I'm calling to ask Congressman/woman _____ to support the Obey/Lantos/Hyde Amendment to add $50 million dollars for humanitarian aid in Darfur. Do you know if [HE/SHE] will vote to help provide this crucial aid to the million of men, women, and children displaced by the genocide in Darfur? If yes: That's great news. Please thank [HIM/HER] for me and let [HIM/HER] know that I'll tell my friends and family that [HE'S/SHE'S] supporting this important cause. If no, or don't know: [ONLY IF NO] Do you know why not? [EITHER WAY] Please let [HIM/HER] know that these programs are keeping millions of families alive and safe. Please ask [HIM/HER] to do everything [HE/SHE] can to ensure that humanitarian aid life support system remains intact. If possible, I'd like a written response explaining [HIS/HER] vote. Thank you for your time.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Yet Another Evanism...

I'm sure we'll never run out... I'm playing on-line poker on my wireless laptop and I lose my connection. "Hey! I lost my connection!!" to which my son answered, "Well just find it again Honey!"

Saturday, June 03, 2006

this is me

The Rimmel Bus was at HEB today, so I let them put makeup on me. Seemed like a fun time to take some pics and play around. It's no Kate Moss, but it's me!

Friday, June 02, 2006


Something Sparkly Something DullSomething Colorful*
*i found these cute little bags for $2 each!

My new favorite quote...

The Office's Michael on the company casino night, "I know it's illegal in Pennsylvania, but it's for charity, and I've always been a great philanderer."