Sunday, April 30, 2006
The trick to the game... You have to get the answers from your kids!
Why do people work? So they uh…to make us money.
What is your favorite toy at the moment? My four-wheeler
Why are there flowers on the earth? To smell good
What is your favorite movie (cartoon, story or TV Show) at the moment? Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
What is your favorite snack? I like, um, tuna fish. But I haven’t eaten my favorite snack in a long time
Why do people drive cars? To get to places.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Big Love
I don't know how realistic this is, but it sure is engaging, thought-provoking. HBO On Demand is nifty.
I suck
This sort of thing is a pattern with me. Makes me feel dumb, and like a crappy mom.
I got the times mixed up for the soccer game this morning, so we missed it. There are only 6 kids on the team, so they really need all of them to be there, or else they don't get enough breaks and they get tired. John reminded me that this is why I have a PDA now. Well, the PDA (and the laptop) have the right time, but I thought I KNEW what time it was, so I didn't even look. The good news is that Evan didn't care, but I still feel like an ass. Blah.
Building Blocks!
Who would have guessed that these storage boxes from Ikea would become blocks! He's been building stuff with them for two days. This, he "thinks" is "some kind of chamber". Now he's building a "gas chamber". Fortunately, it seems that he thinks a gas chamber is a place where someone who needs gas can get gas, rather than, well, a gas chamber. Too much TV you think?

Friday, April 28, 2006
Stark Raving Mud
I should have known that a day that started with the ghost elimination trail would just be a weird day.
Evan informed me that he is going stark raving mud. Obviously I said "What?!" to which he answered "Stark! Raving! MUD, Mom!"
Later I went to lie down and close my eyes for a few minutes, at which point my child decided to bury me under laundry and stuff. It was dark and quiet and peaceful in there, while I knew exactly where Evan was, and that he was safe and being entertained. What do you know? We have invented the PERFECT game! I let him use the camera, which NEVER happens so he could take a photo of his handiwork (can you find my hand sticking out?), and another random photo while he was trying to figure the thing out.

Um, should I be worried?

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Bumper Stickers
My Hero sent these to me via IM when he was supposed to be working.
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake
my mommy's tattoos are better than your mommy's tattoos
Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change ready.
I'M NOT IMMATURE you stinky butt poo poo head
I killed a 6-pack just to watch it die.
Do I look like a f***ing people person?
So, when's the wizard going to get back to you about that brain?
Friends don't let friends vote Republican Who Is Going to Clean Up After the Elephants?
Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, Implants?
Aren't you glad Bush isn't on your side?
It ain't over 'til your brother counts the votes
SATAN FOR PRESIDENT Oh Wait... He Already Is
Stuff Portrait Friday - How I See It

It’s how you look at it! (and Dashababy’s birthday) I wan’t you to remember what you learned a few weeks ago and use them this week.
1. Something Big
2. Something Small
3. Half of Something
Remember, PERSPECTIVE. It may be small to you, but get on the floor and take the picture and see how big it looks. GET CREATIVE!! Think outside the house box. Half of something can be taken ANY way. Actually, all of these can be taken any way you want.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Sunday Six!
Sunday Six!
From Kelly, Evan's answers aren't especially cute this week, but they make sense! 1. How big is the whole world? "Bigger than anything." 2. What is a rainforest? "A forest that rains in." 3. What lives in the ocean? "A whale." 4. What color is the Earth? "Every color." 5. Why do humans live in houses? "To keep them warm." 6. Why do we celebrate Earth Day? "I don't know. "
Saturday, April 22, 2006
My teeth
They're still really painful. I'm on painkillers full-time, which I hate, and I'm having to lay around a lot. They do work though, especially in conjunction with lots of ibuprofen.
Dentist on Monday morning. I panic at the dentist, and I harbor a chronic fear of general anesthesia, so I need everybody's happy thoughts with me. This SUCKS.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Stuff Portrait Friday - ARG Matey!

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Misery and Cheese
First for the misery. I THINK I have a wisdom tooth coming in, and now it's pushing on all my other teeth, and that whole side of my face is in excruciating pain all the way from my jaw back to my ear! My regular doc called me in some painkillers, and I think they're helping. I don't know when I'll be able to get in to the dentist.
The cheese is this. I SO want to go to this! I didn't go to my senior prom. The problem is that I don't want to ask John, I want HIM to ask me, but I don't think he even knows about it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Way Back Wednesday - We Are Family!

Here is my grandmother with my Aunt Jeannine and my dad. I'm assuming this was Easter Sunday, with the hats and all.
My Aunt Jeannine in an unbelievably hot shirt, with my dad and my Uncle Jack. This should be around 1970 or so.
Here is my Aunt Jeannine with Uncle Don in the middle and my dad on the right. That's me in my grandmother's lap, circa 1974. How about that mustache?
Husband John in the velvet vest and butterfly collar, with his parents and sister.
I'm not sure who all these people are, but husband John is the one at the top making the dorky face. His little brother Chris is shirtless, and I think his sister Bonnie is on the left in the red shirt. The rest are various cousins I believe.
Two of my very favorite people who are now watching us from Heaven. My Granddad and his mom in 1979 at our house just outside Washington DC.

Did YOU play???
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Springtime Houseguests
Apparently this is a good place for a nest. There was one in the same place last year. John wants to knock it down, because he's afraid Evan will contract bird flu. I take bird flu very seriously; however, I am not willing to believe that OUR birds will be the ones to introduce it to the United States from overseas...

Evanisms, aka From the Mouths of Babes
Just now, Evan's block hotel was demolished in his frustration - he was upset that it kept getting knocked over by the wind. So his daddy explained that an engineer would design the hotel so that it would be safe on a windy day, so he can play engineer and figure out how to build a sturdy hotel with alphabet blocks. Evan said "I know! We can build it with LASER BEANS! And when the wind touches it, alarms will go off, and traps." Then, he spilled popcorn and announced that we need a bacuum cleaner to clean it up.
This reminded me that I originally started blogging save these things for prosperity. So, I need to add the time that he was talking about eating corn on the log, and then he announced that his friend Ted's mom Stacy needed TP for her FUNhole. My favorite as of late, to his friend Will at their school Easter party, "Will, your nose is really APPEALING!"
Busy Holiday Weekend!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Way Back Wednesday: When you were still just a twinkle in her eye...
This week's theme from The Kept Woman is all about pre-you.
The time in your parents' lives before you came along. The ideal shot is, of course, your mom in her "delicate condition."
Here we have my mom in both a wedding AND preggo pic. Not showing yet, but I promise this was a good old fashioned Oklahoma shotgun wedding! Did you play???
Monday, April 10, 2006
Breaking News!
OK, so like 6 months ago, John's "boss" (they have a no-management style - everyone works directly for the owner) talked about a sort of promotion for him. Basically, everyone there is a contractor, unless he or she is an Engineer, but they had something more permanent in mind for him, even without the degree. He's REALLY REALLY REALLY smart and talented and diligent and responsible. Then the whole thing hit the back burner, and we've been waiting to see what would happen. We were just about ready to give up, as contracting just hasn't been our cup of tea. This is huge for us, more stability, a good chance to fix our tax mess, affordable health insurance, probably a raise. Anyway, he suddenly has the opportunity to talk to the owner this week, probably Thursday! The funniest thing happened last week, they found out that he can solder, which they didn't know, so we're giggling that this happened because he can solder a circuit board. Anyway, BIG GOOD JOB VIBES PLEASE.

Friday, April 07, 2006
Sunday Six on Friday
Thanks for the questions, Kelly!
I'm playing early because we keep missing it on Sunday! Answers courtesy of Evan, age 4 1/2.
1. What planet do you live on? "Erf"
2. What happens if you don't eat all your dinner? "You get in trouble." *Editor's note, this is total baloney. He never eats all his dinner.
3. What happens when you are sick? "You have to go to the doctor or stay home today."
4. What makes a rainbow? "Rain"
5. Do you know everything there is to know? "No. No!"
6. What do you want to be when you grow up? "A firefighter"
SPF! Take Me Off Auto
I haven't played in a while, because Kristine's themes haven't been something I could work with. This weeks was FUN and pretty easy. Hooray! By the way, I don't have SLR, but I have a very good P & S. These were taken with my Kodak P850. I'm fully aware that my kid isn't really "stuff", but I like taking pics of him the best. No edits except minor cropping and the airbrushing of pizza sauce from the chin...
Macro: take a picture of something ‘close up’
Party on, Wayne!

Sigh of relief...
Last night I was going to hang out with my girlfriend Stacy and I asked John if I could pimp in his new ride and he said "sure". I had no idea it was even going to rain, but anyway, they had about 10 minutes of 1" hail here at our house and it barely even rained at Stacy's house just a few miles away. How about that!? Hail damage on the new car would have SUCKED. I guess we DON'T always have the worst luck.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
WHAT?????????? I am JUST DEVASTATED. Without a doubt one of the top three or four singers on the show. Stupid stupid voters.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
So far the singing is about as good as can be expected on country night. Taylor did pretty well. My problem has been with some clothing issues here....Mandiva is NOT built for an empire waist. And WHY is Randy wearing a floral vest and a striped shirt? Is he confused? CUTE outfit Paris. I thought her song choice was good, but I also thought she could have done that song better.
HELLO! Ace is BACK, Baby. I still love Chris bestest, but DAYUMN.
LOVING Kellie's top. Very minxy. Uh-oh Kami, she's wearing skinny jeans. Again, great song choice but she could have done it better. She's doing really well, but this song should have been perfect from her, and it was a little, well, pitchy....
Chris is doing very well, but I'm disappointed he chose a ballad instead of some rockin' Tim McGraw, Alan Jackson, Brooks and Dunn, Garth Brooks, even different Keith Urban... Hot damn, I've got McPheever tonight! What a GREAT job, she's just so perfect dangit.
Bucky did fine too. He's not so bad. Of course I didn't comment on Elliott - sorry. I can't stand him.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Holy Anatomy, Batman!
I had to do a double-take! Is that CHRIS O'DONNELL? In the name of all that is holy that IS Chris O'Donnell on Grey's Anatomy. Robin himself. One of the most adorable actors alive, hands down. This show COULD actually get better - it's downright amazing.